Friday, August 22, 2008

#3 Building numbers in the hundreds and tens

On your graph paper: Write your name and date.
Underline them (don't forget to use your ruler).
Write the heading for this lesson.
Underline it using your ruler.
Now you can start your lesson.
Copy and answer this lesson on your paper.
(one number per box on your graph paper.
Make sure your boxes are large enough)

Fill free to copy and print this lesson.
*1 dollar = 100 cents
*10 cents = 1 dime
*10 dimes = 1 dollar

1. Fill in the (=), dimes and cents

300 cents + 70 cents = 370 cents = 37 dimes
600 cents + 10 cents = 610 cents ...
200 cents + 40 cents...
100 cents + 90 cents ...

2. Fill in the (+,=), dimes and cents

5 dollars + 4 dimes= 500 cents + 40 cents = 540 cents = 54 dimes
7 dollars + 3 dimes= 700 cents + 40 cents = 540 cents...
9 dollars + 2 dimes= 900 cents ...
4 dollars + 6 dimes...

3. Fill in the (=), dollars and cents

75 dimes = 7 dollars and 50 cents
43 dimes =...
94 dimes...
36 dimes...

*1 Hundred dollar bill = 10 Ten dollar bills = 100 One dollar bills
*Hundreds (H), Tens (T), and Ones (O)

4. Fill in the (=), Tens (T), and Ones (O)

1 H = 10 T = 100 O
2 H =
... keep going through to 10 H

5. Fill in the (=), Tens (T), and Hundreds (H)

100 O = 10 T = 1 H
200 O =
...keep going through to 1000 O

6. Give your answer in Tens (T)

4 H=
7 H=
3 H=
800 O =
500 O =
900 O =

7. Exchange ...

1 hundred dollar bill into_______ ten dollar bills.
4 ten dollar bills into _________ one dollar bills.
3 hundred dollar bills into _______ one dollar bills.
500 one dollar bills into _________ hundred dollar bills.
60 one dollar bills into ________ ten dollar bills.

*1 H + 5 T = 15 T = 150 O

8. Fill in the answers.

1 H + 7 T = ____ T = ____ O
9 H + 8 T
4 H + 5 T
3 H + 6 T
7 H + 4 T
8 H + 6 T
2 H + 1 T
5 H + 2 T

*170 O = 17 T = 1 H + 7 T

9. Fill in the answers

450 O = ____T = ____ H + ____ T
740 O =
380 O =
260 O =
730 O =
250 O =
980 O =
160 O =

10. Q = question, C = calculation, A = answer
Write the Q:, C: and A: out onto your paper.

A man made some money selling ice cream cones. He has 3 hundred dollar bills, 50 ten dollar bills, and 470 one dollar bills.

How much money does the ice cream man have in all?

3H =______O, 50 T =______O

add all the ones together:

______O + _______O +
470 O = ______O

now exchange:

_______ O = _______ T = ______ H + _______ T

The ice cream man has __(H)__hundred ____(T)__ dollars.

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